
Thanks for the comment...I think?

So today I am 34 weeks pregnant and I went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart, as usual on Thursdays.  Anyway, I tried a new checkout lady.  Bad Idea!  Here's how our conversation went:

Checker: How are you liking this heat?

Me: Uggh, It would be easier to deal with if I weren't so pregnant!

Checker:  (looks at me really closely) Wow, I didn't know you were pregnant, I just thought you carried some extra weight in your belly.

Me: (Laughing)

I mean really, what was I supposed to say, "Um thanks?... I really like your overzealous use of hot pink 80's lipstick and blue eyeshadow!"  Some people...

1 comment:

  1. Don't you love what some people will say to a pregnany woman or someone carrying "extra weight around the belly" :-) (Just joking about he extra weight thing) My favorite is "Wow, you are HUGE!!!" Thanks, like I didn't realize I was huge. You are almost there, less then 1 month. Good luck!
